Cheap Doctor Online

Don’t know your problem? Take your best guess and our SmartDocAI will guide you.

Save money by seeing an online doctor versus driving to an urgent care facility next time you have a cold, or sinus infection. SmartDocMD connects you with board certified physicians to treat all types of common illnesses and infections conveniently and affordably. Our partners are offering cheap doctor online appointments to patients with or without insurance. Some other online doctor services may charge you higher fees, or make you sign up for a paid subscription that costs quite a bit, our service connects you with more affordable online doctor appointments.

Our service began after our team saw a trend in the issues with online healthcare that resembled the same issues that traditional in-office visits experience. Patients spend a great deal of their day waiting around in online waiting rooms, rather than in-office waiting rooms and the cost is still too high. We knew that we could definitely offer a better solution that was more affordable, and that took up less time. Our doctors have a valid DEA prescribing license and can treat patients in California. We are hoping to expand to other areas very soon.

What sorts of illnesses do cheap doctor online appointments treat? Everything from the common cold, sinus infections, urinary tract infections, pink eye and other eye allergies, and urinary tract infections. We triage patients all year round that are experiencing symptoms that they need relief from.

Anxious to get started? Begin here by filling out some information on your symptoms and recent medical history. Our FREE online patient interview will offer you treatment options based on your answers. If you choose to speak to a doctor online, we would be happy to connect you to a virtual doctor appointment that is essentially less than a tank of gas costs these days. You really can’t beat it.

We’ve checked around and many online doctors are charging far more and putting more stipulations on patients. Many patient reviews speak to having to wait for a long period of time. We can ensure that you are treated and off to carry out the rest of your day efficiently without waiting long periods.

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