Online Medical Help California

Searching for online medical help California? You can get a low cost, online doctor visit for non-emergency medical information for the low price of just $30. No scheduling or appointment needed, and we personalize the care plan you will receive based on your medical history, prescriptions, lifestyle/diet, and can provide you with an excuse for work or school, and prescriptions if your treatment plan includes prescriptions. We searched online and the lowest priced, option based in the United States, specifically California was nearly 3 times this cost.

SmartDocMD treats adult patients that are 18 and older with non-emergency urgent medical conditions such as: Sinus Infection Symptoms, Cold/Upper Respiratory Infection issues, Urinary Tract Infections (UTI symptoms such as painful, burning sensations while urinating), eye infection / eye allergy symptoms including Pink Eye Conjunctivitis, and Yeast Infection Symptoms.

If you want to skip the waiting room and begin your care with an online doctor visit from us, start here. You’ll complete the online patient interview at a convenient time and place for you. From there, you’ll receive a custom, personalized health screening, with online medical help California created just for you and the answers you provided. Further details for ways to seek treatment will be provided. You can choose to pay just $30 to get an online doctor visit and be seen by a board-certified physician who is licensed in your state (California users currently).

We only employ only the best doctors. These doctors go through a rigorous application process. They must have passed all portions of the United States Medical Licensing Exams (USMLEs) along with having a valid prescribing DEA license. Get online medical help California from our top doctors.