Online Doctor Excuse Note for Students

COVID-19 has changed many things in your life, including how and where you can get care when you are feeling sick at school. In the past you could go to the health center. Now that colleges and universities are back online getting an excuse for school can be difficult. Even if you are in a dorm or on-campus, nobody wants to wait in the student health center. Wouldn’t it be great if the nurse or doctor could come to you?

Well the good news is SmartDocMD has been providing an online doctor excuse note for students for several years now. We started 3 years before the pandemic and have plenty of experience providing excuses to students in several states. We currently operate in the states of California, Florida, Montana, New York, and Washington. If you are in one of these states we are happy to provide a doctor excuse note when you are sick. For just $30 you can avoid having to leave your room. The other great thing about our service is we will provide you the doctor note within the same day (usually within a couple hours actually). The excuse note is made available online. You can easily download or print out. Click here to start getting a doctor excuse note online. Check us out on Twitter for further info and discount offers.

SmartDocMD is committed to racial justice and helping underserved communities. Every time you use our site we will make a donation to one of our partners who help underserved communities. This helps vulnerable populations get free, quality health care. See here for more information on how we started and our mission.