Comparing Online Doctors

Telemedicine has been in existence since telephones were invented. These days telemedicine and online doctor visits are very helpful for patients that want convenience and efficiency. According to consumer reports, at least half of the medical providers and hospitals in the United States are utilizing telemedicine methods in some form. If everyone is now doing it, what makes our online doctor finding service different? This article covers some things to keep in mind when you are comparing online doctors, and points out key aspects of how we differ than the average online doctor finding service.

Our Online Doctor Partners Offer Solutions Instead of the ‘Same’

SmartDocMD began after we noticed that most all online doctors came with the same drawbacks as traditional in-office visits. You can read more about our purpose and how we began by clicking over to our story.

We noticed that patients still experience long wait times, however now they are waiting in online forums, chat rooms and video conferencing software instead of a medical office setting. Our questionnaire provides an instant health assessment and potential recommendations right away, and then you are instantly connected partner doctor sites that you can see online in any of 50 states including California.

Other online doctor finding sites and telemedicine portals require a subscription before their online doctor visit system can be utilized. Many do not offer an online doctor visit where you pay for only the visit. We offer on demand, free triage and connection to an affordable online doctor visit in California. For those looking for the cost of doctor visit without insurance in California, we very well may be the best and cheapest solution for you.

We triage and check on you minor illnesses such as upper respiratory infections, sinus infections, the common cold, cough, pink eye infections, eye allergies, urinary tract infections, yeast infections and common vaginal infections. You can begin here and stop and start the question process at any time and come back to it.